
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nippon no tame no inori

All over the TV and all over the newspapers we come across the recent events that have been happening in Japan.
It feels like we are living a horrific movie..
In front of our eyes the nature works out a plan of devastation and we are left helpless just staring, praying and hoping that things would mild down..
But then we read about the earthquake,tsunami,fire at the oil refineries,explosions at the nuclear reactors and the volcanic eruptions..all back to it was all plotted?!
I cant imagine what would have happened if something of this magnitude had struck India..
Just last month caught in the Egypt curfew at the airport I sat across a happy Japanese family, thinking to myself, they are not very different from us..just a bit more polite and disciplined..I grew to like them in no time..I hope they are fine..
And all this I feel sitting here miles and miles away from where the actual scene is taking place..I can only imagine the fear gripping the people actually caught in the terrible events..Our hearts reach out to them and people from all over the world are praying for Japan..

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